As a Dating Coach in Los Angeles, California, I’m hesitant to offer the advice to ‘just be yourself’ in such simple terms.

You’ve been being yourself throughout your life, right? And, to a great extent, you’re not getting the results you desire in dating and in life. You probably feel it’s time to try something different.

But, what if…

What if you haven’t REALLY been being yourself?

What if you’ve been holding yourself in?

What if you’ve been suppressing your actions and expressions due to the way society has conditioned you?

What if you’ve been filtering every little thing you do to fit in with what THEY might think?

In this case, you haven’t been being yourself at all! You’ve been a hollow shell of what you could have otherwise been, a mere shadow of the giant you truly are.

In fact, you don’t even know how great you are because you haven’t yet let it shine through yet. The bright, shining light that is your authentic self has been covered over by the dark clouds of suppression.

No one has seen who you really are.

No one has tasted the depth of your character.

No one has experienced your total presence.

No one has been dazzled by your charisma.

The opportunity wasn’t there because it’s all been hidden away for so long.

When people tell you to ‘just be yourself’ you think they’re stupid because that’s what you presume you’ve been doing all along. But the truth is that you haven’t been being ALL OF YOU, you’ve been being a fragment of who you truly are.

When you really recognize this you don’t need to try to be someone else, with a whole lot of pickup lines and routines that you use to pretend to be something you’re not.

Instead, you go in totally the other direction. You take the filter off and set the REAL you free in all your uninhibited glory! You let out all your quirks, you move in the direction of all that you desire, and you don’t hold anything back – not even for a second.

It’s scary, I know.

It’s vulnerable, I understand.

It’s risky, that’s true.

But, ultimately, it’s the only way to be. It’s the only way you can ever be free!

And the real truth of the matter is that people are going to love you. Not everyone, but a lot of people are going to really love you – when you be ALL OF YOU!

You may think to yourself…

‘But I’m the guy /gal who can’t cope with my fear.’

‘But I’m the guy/gal who finds it difficult to move with purpose and direction.’

‘But I’m the guy /gal who doesn’t have natural charisma.’

And that’s all 100% certified BULLSHIT!

When you drop the suppression and you embody your uninhibited and optimal self you embrace your fears and they empower you. You move with perfectly aligned purpose, direction, and presence, and you do so unwaveringly. And in accepting and expressing who you are, your absolutely unique charm shines through.

You haven’t been expressing all of yourself, on some level you know this to be true. And you may have doubts that you won’t be so well received if you do, but you just don’t know until you put yourself out there.

Stop being a shadow of yourself. Become the giant that you are!

Stop holding yourself in. Let yourself out!

Stop suppressing your actions and expressions due to social conditioning. Break the norms and live in alignment with what you feel in your heart to be right and good!

Stop filtering everything you do through the perceptions of others. Trust in your own authority!

For such a long time you just haven’t really been being you. Give it a chance! Let It GO!!!


Transcend repression and embrace expression.

Maybe, just maybe, people are going to love who you REALLY are.

I can help with all the challenges and problems that you are facing because I have the exact formula to tour freedom!

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Contact us to start on your journey today towards a happier relationship. Our coach is experienced and our services are always anonymous and convenient. You can call from the privacy of any phone, and schedule your coaching session.

Do you have any questions about a relationship? Do you need help understanding how this information can change your life? Talk to one of our expertly trained telephone coaches today and get the answers you are looking for. You can call from the privacy of any phone, and we’re available to assist you with processing your call.

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