Dating rules that work works… 

  • Why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free?
  • Is pre-marital sex a norm or it’s wise to find out if there’s sexual chemistry before making a life-long commitment or not?
  • Having sex too soon is a mistake or if waiting too long?

A real genuine man is not looking for hookups, he is looking for quality, and if you want a serious, committed, long-term relationship that leads to marriage, don’t even try to leverage a hook up into romance. Men have sex because they can, just like that. You easy, he’ll go for it, no second thoughts. Instead, focus on getting to know him first, and decide if he’s someone you want to date, are compatible with and can see having a relationship with, first. On the other hand, if you wait too long, you’ll lose his interest and he may think you’re not into sex in general.

Learn the truth about “opposites attracts”: Yes, there’s the fascinating part of the opposites attracts. but for the long-term, with all the conflicts and challenges of today’s relationships and blended, divorced and mismatched, mismatched families, it’s a lot easier to go the distance when like attracts like. Making sure you have enough compatibility between you and no deal breakers to speak of, is a key to a lasting, healthy and loving relationship.

Find out why the internet is a dating tool — not a venue in which to conduct the entire relationship.

Doreen says, “I hear from so many clients asking me for relationship advice about relationships that they’ve conducted not only long distance but entirely online, never having met once. They completely buy into the illusion, and then start to suspect “cheating”. I have to remind them that since they’ve never had a single in-person date, it’s not cheating and the relationship is a fake one. If you meet someone online and haven’t had a date in three months after meeting, move on. For one reason or another, that person is more invested in the distance than in intimacy of being together in person.”

Remember: you deserve better, you deserve more.

Doreen Cohanim

Relationship and personal life coach expert



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