The inability of men and women to get together in the modern era and the spawning of thousands of internet dating sites is your fault!

You, as a man, are responsible.

It is not the woman’s role to initiate contact or move things forward, it is the man’s responsibility to take command and act upon his desire to connect.

However, modern men, yourself included, have become so weakened by the world that they have lost contact with them their own innate courageousness.

The courage to go for what you want and to be directive and purposeful is the very essence of what makes you a man. Courage is the fuel to your masculine fire. For most men that burning fire has been reduced to a pile of ash and smoke, no longer capable of warming a woman’s heart.

Consequently, women and weak men have been reduced to scouring the internet to find a lover in a “safe” manner rather than embrace the joy and aliveness of connecting face to face for the first time.

However, it is not the women’s fault. Men claim that women are sometimes bitchy and rude which makes initiating contact difficult, but it is not a woman’s nature to be bitchy or rude. A woman’s nature is pure openness, each and everyone is born like this.

This openness only begins to withdraw upon itself and close down upon meeting men who want to take and not to give. It is a protection mechanism that results from contact with weak men.

In this sense the problem is twofold.

First, men have lost the courage to act upon their intentions, and second, men have lost the courage to love a woman totally without trying to take and not give. They want and need of modern mans ego to act as a vale which obscures his deeper desire for true connection.

The problem lies with you!

The great news is that you as a man can relight your fire.

The pile of smoke and ash that you have been reduced to can burn brightly once again. And among a whole society of weak men, the burning fire of your masculinity will act as a bright light that shines forth and warms the heart of a woman in a way that other men simply can’t.

All it takes is a little realignment with your basic masculine feelings and abandonment of the societal conditioning that restricts your every action.

Feel your desire to merge with the radiance of a woman.

Embrace the fear of this and love that fear violently.

For loving fear is the essence of courageousness.

And the courageousness to act with direction and purpose is the essence of your masculinity.

Society has weakened you, now reclaim your strength!

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